Policy Purpose

This employee personal phone policy outlines Escape Code guidelines for using phones and other mobile devices at work.

We recognize that smartphones are an integral part of everyday life and are a great asset if used appropriately. But smartphones are a detriment to focus and efficiency if used inappropriately during business hours. In our setting, it’s imperative that we are giving our full and undivided attention to the game(s) we are running. Distractions of any type can negatively impact our guest’s experience.

Further, downtime should be used to complete projects, clean and accomplish tasks as opposed to spending time on our devices.

As outlined below, phones may only be accessed to quickly review important messages at appropriate times.

The policy is active for those who work upstairs and downstairs.


Downstairs, when your particular game is completed, fully reset and your group has left the building, you are free to quickly check your phone for messages (no more than 3 minutes). Upstairs, the entire property must be free of guests and all games fully reset to quickly check your phone for messages (no more than 3 minutes).

Policy Guidelines

Employees who use smartphones inappropriately during work hours may:

  • Disturb colleagues.
  • Get distracted from their work.
  • Create security issues by misusing personal devices or the company’s internet connection.

Escape Code expects all employees to comply with personal phone policies during work hours.

Employees are not allowed to:

  1. Play games, watch video, listen to audio or use social media on their phone.
  2. Have their phone in their hand or immediately accessible to them for any reason, at any time, when guests are in the building. (No checking for emails or messages)
  3. Use their device’s camera or microphone to record (unless specifically given approval for a business project).
  4. Use their device in an area where phone use is explicitly prohibited (e.g., in the lobby, in front of guests, etc.).
  5. Download, upload, or view inappropriate, illegal, or obscene material on any device.

Employees are allowed to:

  • Quickly check their phones for emails and messages ONLY when no guests are in the building and all games are fully reset (No more than 3 minutes in between games).


Our cell phone policy applies to all Game Guides. Managers, supervisors and owners may have a different policy. Do not base your compliance on their usage.

Disciplinary Consequences

Escape Code reserves the right to monitor employees via security cameras for inappropriate use of cellular devices. Employees are subject to disciplinary action (up to and including termination) in cases where they violate this policy:

  • First violation: verbal warning and possible reduction of weekly work hours
  • Second violation (within 90 days): written warning and forfeiture of all bonuses until the warning falls off (90 days)
  • Third violation (within 90 days): possible termination
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I understand phone use is only allowed when no guests are in the building and all games are fully reset.(Required)
I understand that, when allowed, phones may only be used to check and respond to messages for 3 minutes between games.(Required)
I understand using social media is not allowed.(Required)
I understand the disciplinary process should I be viewed inappropriately using my device either in person or via video.(Required)
I understand using my device to record video or audio is prohibited unless specifically directed by management.(Required)
Clear Signature